Serve as an advisory board to the Assessment Steering Committee by
- providing feedback on how assessment is working within the departments and general education
- helping identify faculty development needs
- providing direction in advancing the assessment culture
- ensuring campus-wide communication relating to academic assessment
The Assessment Steering Committee is comprised of representatives who oversee assessment in Institutional Effectiveness, Teaching and Learning Innovation, the Division of Student Life, and the Volunteer Core. These units are charged by the Provost to provide guidance, oversight, and management of the assessment of academic programs and general education.
- Undergraduate Council’s Volunteer Core Assessment Committee chairperson
- Three (3) representatives selected from Deans’ nominations of associate deans, preferably, or college-level assessment coordinators. Representatives should rotate among colleges with the College of Arts and Sciences always having one of these three positions.
- One (1) Dean-appointed (with concurrence of the department head) faculty representative from each of the 11 colleges. The person should be the lead for assessment (assessment coordinator) of undergraduate and/or graduate programs for their units. Tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure track faculty may be appointed.
- One graduate student representative (selected by faculty from Evaluation, Statistics & Measurement).
- Associate Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness
- Director of Academic Assessment
- One (1) representative from Teaching & Learning Innovation
- One (1) representative from Institutional Effectiveness
- Other members from the Assessment Steering Committee
Meeting Chair
The Director of Academic Assessment will serve as the Chair.
Frequency of Meetings
The Academic Assessment Council will meet a minimum of once each semester. Frequency can be increased depending upon needs of the institution.
Operation Review
The composition, operation and function of this Council will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Current Members
- Doug Aaron, Tickle College of Engineering
- Katherine Ambrosiak, College of Architecture & Design
- Misty Bailey, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Ashley Charsha, Institutional Effectiveness
- Chuck Collins, College of Arts & Sciences
- Charles Cwiek, Haslam College of Business
- Heather Hartman, Institutional Effectiveness
- Terry Ishitani, College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences
- Michael McFall, Institutional Effectiveness (Chair)
- Laura Miller, College of Communication & Information
- Barb Murphy, School of Music & Volunteer Core Assessment Committee Chair
- Elizabeth Pemberton, Institutional Effectiveness
- Paula Schaefer, College of Law
- Ragan Schriver, College of Social Work
- Virginia Stormer, Teaching & Learning Innovation
- Kathleen Thompson, College of Nursing