Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor John Zomchick has primary responsibility for the academic activities on the Knoxville campus. While the chancellor and provost confer regularly in setting overall academic priorities, the chancellor focuses their attention more on external constituencies. The provost attends to the day-to-day functioning of the university.
The provost meets with the chancellor and other vice chancellors to discuss campus policies and practices, and to address campus-wide issues that cross divisional lines. He is responsible for implementing the university’s strategic plan to move the university forward towards our goal of becoming a top public research university. He is charged with oversight of the processes related to the campus’ re-accreditation by the Southern Association of College and Schools Commission on Colleges. The provost also assists in the development of strategic initiatives for the campus, including fundraising and development strategies.
Specifics for Students and Faculty
The provost is responsible for the education of more than 22,000 undergraduate students on campus, and approximately 6,000 graduate students. He sets priorities with regard to admissions and financial aid, and works to ensure student retention and timely graduation. He is also in charge of all cross-college programs, including general education. With regard to curriculum and education, the provost works in close consultation with the faculty and the Faculty Senate in the spirit of shared governance.
Support Staff
The vice provost for faculty affairs, the vice provost for academic affairs, the vice provost and dean of the Graduate School, the vice provost for enrollment management, the vice provost for international affairs, and the assistant provost for finance and administration all assist the provost in carrying out his duties.
Who Reports to the Provost?
Nine academic colleges on campus report to the provost, along with the instructional programs of the Herbert College of Agriculture, University Libraries, the Student Success Center, Enrollment Management, the Honors and Scholars Programs, and a number of academic support offices.
The provost oversees budget allocations to these units and works with them for planning, development, implementation, assessment, and improvement of all academic programs, policies, and supporting infrastructure including facilities and information technology. He has direct responsibility for the recruitment, retention, and renewal of the faculty, and contributes to maintaining the infrastructure that assists the faculty in teaching and research.